Pupil Premium and Catch Up

The Government provides academies and schools with additional funding to help reduce inequalities and gaps in attainment between those students who are on free school meals (FSM), are looked after or who are from Forces Families, and their peers. This funding is called the Pupil Premium (PP). 

Find out more about Pupil Premium from the Department for Education

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Huxlow Academy Pupil Premium Policy

year 7 catch up premium

The Government has made a commitment to provide additional funding to schools for each Year 7 pupil who has not achieved the expected standard in reading and/or in Maths at Key Stage 2. 

This money has to be used to deliver additional tuition and/or intensive support in small groups giving pupils valuable support in reading and numeracy to bring them up to target levels so that they are more likely to succeed at secondary school.

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium Guide

Covid Catch-up Premium Report

Huxlow Covid 19 Catch Up Report

Thriving Through Excellence