Through English every student will have access to “the best that has been thought and said”, providing equal opportunities to all students with no limit on ambition.
We aim to foster a love of literature, reading and writing within all students. We want to create successful readers who will have the ability to analyse and interpret information in a way that makes them successful and valued members of society.
Students are given the opportunity to access a range of texts from across time to develop their understanding of Literature and the human condition through a knowledge based curriculum. Through studying Literature, students will be given the keys to unlock the world around them and allow them to access all that the world has to offer to ensure that every student has the opportunity to achieve their ambition. English Language will provide students the opportunity to develop their own voice to comment on the world around both orally and in writing.
The curriculum will allow students to enjoy a deep experience of the greatest literary texts and explore links to context so that students have rich cultural capital. I deepen what they know about these texts and allow them to develop skills as a writer, reader and speaker as they articulate responses.
We explore a wide range of topics and events (in a holistic, sensitive way) from both past and present, to encourage learners to empathise with others and grow from the mistakes that have been made in the past. We appraise social class across a range of eras and their impacts; evaluate how societies have changed across time and discuss the way that literature has acted to ease troubles, both personally and on a greater scale. This lines up with the school values of Ambition, Respect and Pride as students study ambitious texts, respect the views and values of writers from across time and have pride in the work they produce as part of this study.
In summary, we offer a windows, mirrors and doors curriculum that gives students mirrors against their own lives, windows into other worlds and the doors to access these opportunities after they leave. Through studying English students are provided with the keys to unlock all of these areas and become sensitive and empowered global citizens.
Mr J Horsley – Head of English
Mr A Hawdon – Second in English
Mrs S Gonda - Teacher of English/Literacy Coordinator
Miss M Pistokoula - Teacher of English
Mrs R Roberts - Teacher of English
Ms R Szalontai - Teacher of English
Mrs A Foster - HLTA
If you would like to find out more about the English curriculum, please contact Mr J Horsley, Head of English
- By phone: 01933 650496
- By email:j.horsley@huxlow.northants.sch.uk
Year 7
CGP SPaG workbook. Shakespeare study
Year 8
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z43dwnb/articles/zv6yvwx CGP SPaG workbook.