Curriculum Vision
The study of History means the study of the best that has been thought and said. We want our students to understand and be proud of the achievements of their local community, their county, their country and be inspired by the achievements of the men and women from around the world who have led the way in human ingenuity and advancement. Winston Churchill stated that ‘the further back you can look, the further you can see forward’. If our students know, understand and appreciate the people that came before, they can have confidence living in the present knowing that all future human achievement will be by standing on the shoulders of the giants of the past. There have also been dark episodes in the past and students should learn how events such as the Holocaust could happen, as a warning to the future not to repeat those events.
We want out students to:
Have an understanding of a wide range of historical topics covering; different time periods, geographical areas and branches
Become curious and enquiring both about the past and the world around them today
Form strong opinions of their own about the difference between right and wrong and how we can apply those concepts to the modern world
Improve their literacy and range of vocabulary
Encourage students to build cultural capital and encourage them to support British Values
Develop their AMBITION to want to learn more, become intellectually curious and want to achieve in their school careers and beyond
Ensure they RESPECT each other’s views, especially when they disagree, to promote tolerance and freedom of speech
Have PRIDE in themselves, their school, their local community, their county and their country
Main concepts of Acquired Knowledge within the Curriculum:
Curriculum overview:
Mr M Davies - Head of History
Mrs J Holmes – Director of Post 16 Learning and Careers & Teacher of History
Mr W Tuckwell - Teacher of History
If you would to find out more about the History curriculum, please contact Mr M Davies, Head of History
- By phone: 01933 650496
- By email: m.davies@huxlow.northants.sch.uk