The PSHE (RSE) Curriculum at Huxlow Academy seeks to provide a curriculum accessible by all and is shaped to the context of our Academy. The curriculum is structured to enhance our students’ personal growth, emotional wellbeing, appreciation of our British Values and Citizenship, as well as promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. At Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 (Years 10 - 13), statutory RE is also delivered through this programme. 

The Curriculum teaches the skills needed to help students navigate opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life. It develops the students’ knowledge and understanding of health and wellbeing, relationships, living and contributing to the wider world. It equips students to become confident and resilient learners to take a positive, active role in a diverse society. It provides students with the skills needed to stay safe within the community, as well as a safe environment within the Academy where they’re able to discuss a range of topics while enhancing SMSC development and cultural capital. 

Developing from Year 7-Year 13, our spiral curriculum is age-appropriate whilst challenging, with topics developed and built upon to increase powerful knowledge. 

Our PSHE spiral curriculum is embedded within Personal Development which is delivered throughout everyday life at the Academy and is underpinned by our Huxlow Values of Ambition, Pride and Respect. 

This term, we will be studying: 

YEAR 7 - HEALTH AND WELLBEING / relationships / living in the wider world

1.       What is consent and why is it important?
2.       What does a healthy lifestyle look like?
3.       What is obesity and the impact on individuals in society?
4.       Self-esteem – how can I make sure that I look after my own self esteem?5.       Assessment 2 and reflection. 

YEAR 8 - living in the wider world

1.       What are the British Values and why are they important?
2.       What are the British Values and why are they important?
3.       Who are the different political parties and what do they stand for? 
4.       How can British Values be used to challenge discrimination -homophobia?
5.       Assessment 2 and reflection

YEAR 9 - HEALTH AND WELLBEING (dove project campaign)

1.       What are appearance ideals in the UK?
2.       What do comparisons look like in the UK?
3.       How do we banish body talk in the UK?
4.       Why is it important to be anti-social media in the UK?
5.       Our campaign to lead change. (Student Project)


1.       What is sexism, gender prejudice and stereotypes and why does it still exist?
2.       What is body shaming and how does this affect people?
3.       What are the illegal substances that affect young people today?
4.       How do my lifestyle choices affect me?
5.       Assessment and reflection

YEAR 11 - relationships / LIVING IN THE WIDER WORLD

1.       What makes a healthy relationship and is it best to wait for someone you care about?
2.       What are the different types of relationships?
3.       Consent, rape, and sexual harassment – how can we establish clear sexual boundaries?

SIXTH FORM - Living in the wider world / HEALTH and wellbeing

1.       Understanding what mental health is and how to protect our mental health
2.       Understand how to keep safe online and dangers around online safety
3.       Happy child agency; external. Mindset for exams and keeping mentally healthy
4.       Mental health and the impact of sport – sports events
5.       Asking for help – who do we turn to?
6.       RS Global views – Buddhism.  Mindfulness and meditation

RSE PHSE Information Table
Assembly Programme - Term 4 2025
Thriving Through Excellence