House System
House System
The House System represents the values and ethos of the school and aims to develop
as an integral part of our school community. The House System comprises of four
houses; Red Kites, Golden Eagles, Green Ospreys and Blue Falcons. Students wear
the appropriate tie that corresponds to their house colour.
The House systems complements the school's ethos of Ambition, Respect and Pride.
These values are developed by encouraging a sense of community, awareness of each
other and team spirit through a variety of activities on a weekly basis.
Through the House System, students are encouraged to –
- Be proud of themselves for representing their house, embracing opportunities to
develop skills in areas other than those solely taught in the classroom - Be ambitious and try new things, praising others and themselves in all
achievements, whether big or small - Be respectful of oneself, peers and the community
Huxlow Academy's House System enhances and values the sense of community and
conviction within every student. This personifies our Values and spirit of our school
community; Pride, Ambition and Respect. We aspire to create a stronger students' voice
and enhance the spirt of respectful democracy through a safe, responsible and
supportive environment.
Every student, upon entry, is assigned to one of our four houses. Each member of staff
is also attached to a house. Each house has Head of House, whom is part of the Senior
Leadership Team and is also responsible for the delivery of House assemblies
throughout the year.
The Heads of House are –
- Red Kites – Mrs Watson
- Golden Eagles – Mrs Huchet
- Green Osprey – Mrs Correa
- Blue Falcons – Mr Johnson
Students are given opportunities to represent their house in a wide range of activities
including inter-house sporting competitions, Curriculum challenges on a weekly basis,
fundraising events and through team activities that occur throughout the year. We are
very proud of our House System at Huxlow Academy and aim to make every member of
our community feel a sense of belonging and pride every time they enter through the school gates.