Student Support


At Huxlow Academy we believe that pastoral support is fundamental to the wellbeing and overall success of each of our students.

Our pastoral system is a key part of our strong Huxlow community where every individual matters. Form tutors know their tutees well and a range of support is available at every stage of their school life. Our house system provides a range of leadership opportunities for students and develops the responsibilities of different ages so they work together for a common goal. These respectful values underpin our school ethos.

At the centre of the school is a team of pastoral staff who are dedicated to ensuring that the students have someone to go to if they have problems or concerns. Experienced staff have a wide range of strategies to support the learning, welfare and behaviour needs of each student.

We are committed to placing Huxlow at the heart of the wider community and believe that a positive relationship between home and school is crucial. We work together to ensure our students reach their full potential.

Thriving Through Excellence