Special Educational Needs

Education Support Centre

Fully refurbished in 2013, the Education Support Centre has excellent facilities to provide students identified with higher needs with all the support they need to realise their full potential. It provides a safe environment for any student who is experiencing difficulties in their academic life and offers guidance and support.

The Education Support Centre is situated at the heart of the school. It opens at 8am daily and many students visit the Centre to discuss the forthcoming day and ensure they are prepared for their lessons with equipment and completed homework. Often, it just provides a quiet place to be. For some students, the Support Centre is the most important place in the college and these young people feel a deep affinity with their support staff.

Although the priority of the Education Support Centre is to support and care for those students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs/High Needs, the team also aim to identify any student who is experiencing difficulties and to offer guidance and support where they can. The ESC team work closely with staff in the Pastoral Centre to provide this pastoral care on a united front. The Support Centre is a place of refuge, safety and support for vulnerable students. It has become a “hub” for these young people and is a lively, vibrant part of the school.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report

SEND Policy

Local Offer

The 'Local Offer' section of the North Northamptonshire Council website provides information about services for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities:

North Northamptonshire Council: Local Offer

Inclusion Statement
  • We endeavour to achieve maximum inclusion of all students (including vulnerable learners) whilst meeting their individual needs.
  • Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the students within the school and provide materials appropriate to student interests and abilities. This ensures that all students have full access to the school curriculum.
  • Special Educational Needs might be an explanation for delayed or slower progress. We make every effort to narrow the gap in attainment between vulnerable groups of learners and others.
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) is not considered a Special Educational Need. Differentiated work and individual learning opportunities are provided for students who are learning EAL as part of our provision for vulnerable learners.
  • We focus on individual progress as the main indicator of success.
  • We strive to make a clear distinction between “underachievement” – often caused by a poor early experience of learning - and special educational needs:
  • Some pupils in our school may be underachieving but will not necessarily have a special educational need. It is our responsibility to spot this quickly and ensure that appropriate interventions are put in place to help these pupils catch up.
  • Other pupils will genuinely have special educational needs and this may lead to lower-attainment (though not necessarily to under-achievement). It is our responsibility to ensure that pupils with special educational needs have the maximum opportunity to attain and achieve in line with their peers. Accurate assessment of need and carefully planned programmes, which address the root causes of any learning difficulty, are essential ingredients of success for these pupils. These will be provided, initially, through Additional SEN Support funded from the devolved schools budget.
The role of the Governing Body in Inclusion

The objectives of the governing body in making provision for pupils with special educational needs are outlined in the 'Inclusion Statement' above. A description of how the governing body’s policies will contribute towards meeting these objectives can be found in the Inclusion Policy. The arrangements that have been made for co-ordinating the provision of education for pupils with special educational needs at Huxlow can be found in the Inclusion Procedures. There is a range of SEN provision across the school. However, Huxlow does not have a specialism or any special units. The Curriculum Committee evaluates the success of the education provided at Huxlow, including the results of all SEN children.


If you need to contact Mrs A Burdett, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), please do so via Miss L Glasby, SENDCo Secretary:
By phone: 01933 650496 ext 1215
By email: ha.senco@huxlow.northants.sch.uk

Thriving Through Excellence