Programme of Study
At Huxlow Academy, all students follow a programme that is tailored to their individual needs and aspirations. As part of our consortium arrangements with Rushden Academy, we provide students with a unique opportunity to study a combination of A Levels and vocational courses to meet the needs and aspirations of the students we serve. The consortium arrangement means that we are able to offer a wide range of applied and academic courses to our students.
Our general entry requirements specify that students should have a grade 4 in GCSE English and Maths. In the event that a student does not have a grade 4 but is allowed to enrol, they are required to continue these subjects as part of thier study programme. Students have timetabled lessons during the week with subject support specialists to support them to acheive a grade 4 in their GCSE. Further details of our entry requirements can be found in the prospectus here.
Sixth form study programmes also include a substantial amoutn of non-qualification activity, including tutor sessions, a weekly briefing and supervised study. Students are also supported to complete a minimum of 10 hours work experience and employability skills. Alongside this, studens are encouraged to take part in a range of activities which compliment the qualification elements of their study programme and supports applications for higher education, apprenticeships, or employment. Students can undertake a wide range of accredited and non-accredited enrichment activities, including the Level 3 EPQ, DofE Award, online courses, charity and volunteering work.
We provide an ongoing programme of work-related opportunities designed to support students in planning their next steps pst-18. This includes our Futures Week, industry specific career talks, Higher Education briefings and university masterclasses. Students also have careers discussions throughout Years 12 and 13. All students take part in a work experience placement in Year 12 in order to help better prepare them fo the world of work.
As a school, we are constantly reviewing and evaluating oru programme of study to ensure that it meets the needs of our students. Our goal is to ensure that all students leave sixth form with not only the qualifications they need to progress to the next stage, but also the information they need to make informed decisions about their future.
Study for your A Levels will keep you busy, so why spend time on enrichment? The answer is simple: it's an essential part of sixth form life. This is how you widen your horizons and take the opportunity to learn more about your individual strengths and skills sets, as well as pushing yourself by trying something new and contributing to society.
Everybody in our sixth form can get involved as there's something for everyone - let us tell you about some of the different options available to you.